XDK2MAM vision, roadmap and announcements


This has been a great year for XDK2MAM. We developed some open source code, enabling to decentralize Bosch XDK110 sensors data through the Tangle and traveled as much as we could to conduct workshops in Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela.

We are really thankful with the way the IOTA Foundation and Bosch Connectivity got interested in our project and supported us in different ways. Now that XDK2MAM is funded by the IOTA Ecosystem, we will be dedicated in a much more compromised way to deliver the project milestones and, if possible, go even further.

Yes, our roadmap is about the Bosch XDK110-Tangle integration, but there are too many devices out there and we are confident that we will be able to start working on solutions to integrate some of them as well. As we develop our XDK110 based roadmap, we aim to slowly build an open source Hub that will allow the community to start connecting devices to the Tangle.

Daniel Trauth is now XDK2MAM Central Europe Representative

XDK2MAM team is based in Argentina. Despite the many ways to deal with the distances we have today, this can complicate the dialog and communications with key actors related to our project scope (ie. IF or Bosch Connectivity). Daniel’s vast experience on the field we will be working on, his continuous assistance when dealing with this actors and the validation provided by testing our code with the great IILA engineers made him our dreamed candidate for this position. We are honored to have him as our CE Representative. He is now the face of XDK2MAM over there and will be in charge of linking the project with regional individual/companies that could be interested on what we do.

XDK2MAM milestones

We aim to provide quality open source code for the community to integrate the Bosch XDK110 with IOTA. As we see it, this is not only about writing great code, but also about creating a decent amount of guides and videotutorials to make the process as easy as possible. So the philosophy is: every solution we build will come with a step by step guide and a videotutorial. You chose what’s best for you.

While you can find a detailed presentation of our project milestones at the EDF form uploaded to the Transparency website, here is a less formal narrative about what we will be doing the next 12 months.

Phase 1: the roots
Create open source code to enable XDK-Tangle interaction using all the available methods: HTTP, HTTP+SD, MQTT, BLE and UDP. This first phase is about setting the roots and provide functionality that covers all of the XDK110 features.

Phase 2: data handling
Work on tools to analyze sensor’s data, allowing visualization and decision taking based on events. This is a key part of our project, mainly because the XDK110 can send live data but you can’t publish live data to the Tangle (every MAM tx requires a little PoW and, therefore, some seconds to be up). So, to have a system that can handle live data and balances the decentralization while allowing users to see what data does live and set effects driven events is fundamental.

Phase 3: autonomous XDK110
Our most ambitious goal by far is to allow the XDK110 to publish data to the Tangle by itself. Yes, just flash the code, turn the device on and watch it publising the sensors data to the Tangle. We think this could be of value on cases such as the Data Marketplace or others in which you need the device to publish straight to the Tangle without relaying on an external instance to fetch the data and decentralize it.

Phase 4: open source integration Hub for devices-Tangle
The further we advance working on XDK2MAM the more we realize that there are a lot of devices out there waiting for well documented open source code to allow data decentralization via the Tangle. So, we envision us growing towards new devices: we want to be an open source code Hub for those with a Bosch, Ruuvitag or other kind of sensors set willing to use IOTA as DLT to provide immutability and decentralization to their information.

The internet of things will be about a lot of interconnected devices, so to provide software to connect them to the Tangle seems like the way to go if we want to gain adoption.

Thanks thanks thanks

As Co-Founders, Alejandro Elustondo and I want to thank to the community members that follow our work, using the code, providing feedback, attending to workshops and supporting us in every IOTA related action we do. To Serguei Popov, who has always been a big enabler for us in Latin America, where things are somehow lagged related to Europe. To Mark Schmidt for being such an amazing coordinator of all the work we have done (personally as RCL but also with XDK2MAM workshops). To Daniel Trauth, for his passion regarding all this and unconditional support since the day we discussed the project on Discord. To Reiner Schmohl, for his interest in IOTA and our job as an extension of what the XDK110 can deliver.

We could continue forever. Thanks to all who helped to this project somehow. We will work hard to accomplish our goals and vision 😉



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