Projects Serie: meet Ludger Hemesath, SonicID CSO (Chief Strategy Officer)


On the day of the date we find a very interesting new project, related to IDoT (Identity of Things).

We interviewed Ludger Hemesath his CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) for what the project is about and what other applications are working on.

Ezequiel Outon
Writer & Editor, IOTA Hispano

Leer versión en Español

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Tell us a little about your background

SonicMessenger was founded in 2016 but its roots go back to 2006 when, with the Internet of Things (IoT) in mind, we started to work on new ways to make device-to-device communications seamless and easy. We found that connecting devices via (inaudible) audio is a very secure and reliable way of communication and subsequently we developed a few groundbreaking technologies around audio encoding/decoding & encryption. In essence, we can communicate with devices, for example smartphones, by just using ordinary loudspeakers that you would find everywhere in the world. No WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC or even a Cellular signal needed.

When and how was your first approach to IOTA?

Now, with the almost unlimited use cases in mind for our technology, we started to think about how to apply this to the next big thing in tech – Blockchain/DLT. In our research early last year, we found that IOTA’s approach would be the best fit due their scalability and feeless micropayment capabilities. It also happened that IOTA chose Chicago (Bosch/Connectory) as has their first hub in the US and we were just around the corner…

Could you briefly explain what the IDoT (Identity of things) system is?

When you think of IOTA’s Data Marketplace or any other source of data streams, you need to know the origin of the data. That means the identity of the device that creates the data. Now, in an open Data Marketplace, the device needs to have a unique ID that is also verified in a trusted environment. Otherwise, how can we trust the data that we are receiving?

What is SonicID and what is its objective?

That goes back to the former question. The SonicID is a unique and ultra-secure method to create ID’s for devices, like sensors, smartphones, cars and last but not least people.

Our objective is to protect people and assets by bringing ultra-secure audio encoding & IOTA DLT into everyday life. SonicID makes it possible to ultra-securely identify, authorize, transact and communicate with anything and anyone in the IOTA Tangle.

How does the SonicID project relate to IOTA?

We are using the IOTA Seed algorithm by automatically creating the Seed adding device-specific data to it and encode and encrypt it. Thus, each transaction from the device carries a device specific (ID) portion in the transaction address, which we automatically create.

They give great importance to security in their project, how will they achieve a superlative level of security in it?

The SonicID protects the Seed from being misused and miscreated. You know, when someone obtains your Seed, they can steal everything related to it. In almost all cases of lost or stolen cryptocurrencies, there is user error involved in terms of not carefully protecting the Seed (or private keys) on their computers. We take this risk away by automatically generating the Seed and add the device-specific data to it to create the SonicID. In other words, the SonicID is useless outside of the device it has been created for because it needs the device-specific data checksum to allow a transaction.

What are the other SonicWallet and Sonic MSGR projects?

We are developing a whole app-ecosystem and SonicWALLET and SonicMSGR together with the SonicID are integral parts of it. Think of the following scenario: You enter a store and receive a promotion or coupon via the SonicMSGR app. The app then verifies that you, with your verified SonicID (not your name, just your ID!), received the offer. Now, the brand that created the offer knows that your SonicID has received the offer and therefore knows that you have seen it. That creates value to them, no matter if you like the offer of not. The brand agrees to pay you a small amount for providing proof that you received it (automatically by the app. How do you receive the payment? Exactly, as a micropayment delivered through the IOTA Tangle directly into your SonicWallet.

At what point do all these projects come together?

We are working on this as we speak and PoC (Proof of Concept) Projects are underway.

What do you think of the IOTA financing system? Are you receiving financing from it?

We think that IOTA Ecosystem Funding approach is a fantastic way to receive some funding for projects that show that the IOTA DLT can be applied to day-to-day applications. We have submitted projects, but as far as I know the Ecosystem Fund has not paid out any projects.

Are you thinking of any other project apart from the ones mentioned above?

Yes, we have so many ideas how to apply DLT in general. We are working on truly decentralized peer-to-peer networks where you can put your data, that you willing to share, to a marketplace where advertisers can subscribe to pay you directly for the value of your data. This is going to be the future.

If you like what we are doing help us to continue working!




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