Regine has been part of the Iota Foundation since April 2017, always linked to digital transformation and his application in real world. She was part of big communication companies and as such is very experienced in management. Let's get to know a little more about her work and her objectives as advisor of the IOTA Foundation.
Les tenemos que contar a nuestros lectores que no es la primera vez que Antonio muy amablemente concede una entrevista a IOTA Hispano. A finales de 2018 también le realicé una entrevista, pero en ese momento aún no formaba...
I first met Daniel Trauth when I entered the IOTA Evangelist Network and I still remember how amazed I was as I discovered what this guys were doing with sensors applied to industrial machinery in the WZL of RWTH Aachen University: this was my first approach to the internet of production.
Topocare introduces us to the pay-on-production concept, they receive one of the first cohort funding from Iota Ecosystem. Here we gonna talk about this project and how will be useful to the ecosystem and people who use. Clato Martin Writer & Editor, IOTA Hispano Versión...
Nuriel is an active member of the IOTA community from the Netherlands, known for being the mind behind the IRI-Playbook: a great script to easily install and run fullnodes on the IOTA Ecosystem. We know this one is kind of...
Hace algunas semanas nos contactamos con Oyster Protocol para ver la posibilidad de que nos dieran una entrevista. En Oyster pensaron que, a pesar de estar trabajando duramente en el lenzamiento de su mainnet, era una buena idea contarle a los lectores de IOTA Hispano un poco acerca de en qué han estado trabajando. Oyster es uno de los primeros proyectos que está planeando utilizar la Tangle como tecnología soporte para file storage.
Well, we must tell our readers that this is not the first time that Antonio very kindly gives an interview to IOTA Hispano. At the end of 2018 I also conducted an interview with him, but at that time...
Mathieu Viossat es el creador de, uno de los primeros y uno de los más populares exploradores de la tangle en la web. Conoce un poco más sobre esta mente, qué es un explorador y cómo funciona. Gerónimo Patat Escritor y...
We all know that IOTA is much more than a token, it is the token that pretends to be the protocol for the Internet of Things, based on that, we can say that IOTA is much more than the value of the currency, if not that its architecture and features of this Open Source technology allows the community of developers and entrepreneurs to develope PoCs that can be used to improve some problems that we are facing in our daly lives.
El día de la fecha encontramos un nuevo proyecto muy interesante, relacionado con IDoT (Identidad de las Cosas). Entrevistamos a Ludger Hemesath su CSO (Director de Estrategia) para explicar de qué se trata el proyecto y en qué otras...


Instalando un Nodo Shimmer – Guía paso a paso en Español

Agradecimiento Antes de sumergirnos en este post tutorial debemos dar todo el crédito de la guía a C3PO, miembro de la comunidad IOTA y de...

