Lo que intentan lograr Nino Ulrich e Iampass puede parecer futurista mientras hablamos, pero podría terminar siendo la solución para muchos casos en los que hoy necesitamos diferentes métodos para demostrar quiénes somos. Piénselo un momento: tiene su tarjeta...
Some weeks ago we contacted Oyster Protocol to see if they would like to give us an interview and the team thought that, while working in the release of their mainnet, it could be a good idea to tell IOTA Hispano readers a bit about what they are working on. Oyster is one of the first projects that plans to use the Tangle as backbone for file storage.
iampass challenges the status quo of identity. The modern, digital world we live in constantly requires another identity card, new app or additional password and there is always the trade-off between convenience vs. data security.
Dave joined the IOTA Foundation by July 2018 as Online Communiy Liaison and has been contributing since then to keep things sharp at Slack and Discord, key places for IOTA community to discuss different topics and organize itself. At certain point Slack ended up not being able to handle the vast IOTA community and Dave contributed planning the Slack-Discord migration. Since he has a tech background (ICT Degree at Rotterdam University), he soon became developer advocate and started conducting Twitch sessions to guide users step by step on mounting a Full Node, Bootstraping IOTA's Data Marketplace or creating testnets. This videos can be viewed at IF Youtube Channel. Dave is a very kind and always willing to help guy. For us, this are the assets that make IOTA the great project it is and enable to have a growing community starting to adopt or developing. Enough talk, let's get to meet him a bit better!
On the day of the date we find a very interesting new project, related to IDoT (Identity of Things). We interviewed Ludger Hemesath his CSO (Chief Strategy Officer) for what the project is about and what other applications are working...
Read spanish version A few weeks ago, Terry Shane, Founder of the Toronto bIOTAsphere (and better known to some as IOTerry), together with Brian Wong, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the bIOTAsphere, revealed a Proof of Concept using IOTA that...
Hace poco entrevistamos a Dominik Schiener, uno de los miembros fundadores del proyecto IOTA, en el Block Chain Business Study Group. Desde su anuncio, el proyecto IOTA ha atraído mucha atención, y desde el 13 de octubre de 2017,...
Desde las mejoras en el protocolo IOTA y todas las posibilidades de casos de uso que esto ha abierto, estamos siendo testigos de un increíble aumento en el número de proyectos de desarrollo relacionados con IOTA. En esta serie de...
Hace unas semanas, Terry Shane, fundador de Toronto bIOTAsphere (mejor conocido como IOTerry), junto con Brian Wong, Director de Iniciativas Estratégicas en bIOTAsphere, reveló una Prueba de Concepto utilizando IOTA que parece haber captado la atención. y la imaginación de muchos en el espacio DLT y automotriz.


Instalando un Nodo Shimmer – Guía paso a paso en Español

Agradecimiento Antes de sumergirnos en este post tutorial debemos dar todo el crédito de la guía a C3PO, miembro de la comunidad IOTA y de...

