Tangle Patagonia will present IOTA at Santa Cruz – Argentina


This is a very particular article since I’m a writer here but today I’m not going to present an interview or a translation, this article is to tell you a little about my project and where we are at at this moment. I’m a  IOTA enthusiast since I had discovered all the main characteristics of it and what was the IOTA Foundation mision. Later, I became member or the IOTA Evangelist Network, and I met (and keep doing it) all this wonderful people around the world working with the same goal: to promote IOTA through different areas and supporting each other. Being part of all this and specially of IOTA Hispano made me raise awareness about the importance of making IOTA known to all people in Argentina, especially those in my region. That’s why I founded Tangle Patagonia. Later, Sol Hilgemberg arrived to be an important part of this project and to function as a Tangle Patagonia cluster in Santa Cruz. So, here we are, two women in charge of this project in Argentina, working every day to make it grow.

Please, take a few minutes to read this article to the end!

Gabriela Jara
Content Coordinator & Writer IOTA Hispano
IEN Member


Tangle Patagonia grew as a project wich objetive is to create awareness and educate about IOTA token, Tangle and possible use cases. Was born early this year,we achieve to create a web page and already made a few talks and participated in two Meetups. The first one in the month of July, thanks to the first IOTA Meetup Argentina at Buenos Aires hosted by Daniel De Michele, Tangle Patagonia had the chance to participate and gave the first talk. We were 4 speakers and one of them was Profesor Serguei Popov (Co Founder of IOTA and writer of the IOTA withepaper). Great experience, there were near 60 attendees, despite it was a very rainy day.

When we came back to Bariloche (where the project began), inmediatly started to arrange a local Meetup. So we contacted the people of Fab Lab Bariloche and finaly on the 23th of August the first IOTA Meetup Bariloche was held. We had almost 30 attendees that were very enthusiastic about learning of IOTA token. Although they had heard about Bitcoin they barely knew about the characteristics of IOTA. People really loved that IOTA has no fees, is infinit scalable, has fast transactions, quantum proof, has no mining an therefore green friendly, just to name a few characteristics. Since then, many people has reached us to learn about IOTA.


A few days ago Tangle Patagonia was invited to participate in a big fair called #ExpoEmprender organized by the Employment Office dependent of the Municipality of Caleta Olivia, at Santa Cruz province, 900 kilometres to the south from where our head quarter is. About 30 entrepeneurs are invited to present their work as well. This event will last 2 full days and we consider is a great chance to prensent IOTA as there will be a great flux of visitors. No hay texto alternativo automático disponible.


Distance from Bariloche to Caleta Olivia

As Tangle Patagonia does not currently have the budget to cover the total expenses that this presentation would require, we thougth to appeal to the IOTA community to ask for your support through donations. I know that we all are in the same position: no budgets and making great efforts with projects, but we decided to be bold because we know how supportive IOTA community can be and that nothing will stop us to presentate IOTA everywhere so that more people can discover the awesomeness of IOTA.

All that you can donate will be apreciated no matter if it is 1Mi or 1i. This will cover

  • Part of the tickets to go there, each one cost u$d40
  • The staying only for 2 days we will cover the rest the event lasts 2 days (because we need to travel a few days before the event to make the arrengements of the stand (u$d62 per night)
  • Some merchandising like a banner and some flyier with some IOTA basic info (Banner u$d 47 – flyers u$d25)

The aproximate budget is u$d 236

Help us to fulfil this presentation! Please donate
Donaciones: http://tanglepatagonia.com/#!/-donations/






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