Dave joined the IOTA Foundation by July 2018 as Online Communiy Liaison and has been contributing since then to keep things sharp at Slack and Discord, key places for IOTA community to discuss different topics and organize itself. At certain point Slack ended up not being able to handle the vast IOTA community and Dave contributed planning the Slack-Discord migration.
Since he has a tech background (ICT Degree at Rotterdam University), he soon became developer advocate and started conducting Twitch sessions to guide users step by step on mounting a Full Node, Bootstraping IOTA's Data Marketplace or creating testnets. This videos can be viewed at IF Youtube Channel.
Dave is a very kind and always willing to help guy. For us, this are the assets that make IOTA the great project it is and enable to have a growing community starting to adopt or developing. Enough talk, let's get to meet him a bit better!
I met Kevin Chen at some point of 2017, in the IOTA Slack. I can't remember when (and I have no way to find out since Slack deleted most of our conversations). I think it was Rajiv Shah who introduce me to Kev and I know for sure that the first time we spoke he told me about the IOTA Evangelist Network and kind of invited me to apply. It took me some time to do it, but I finally ended up becoming a IEN member some months ago. Since then, as a part of this network, I got in touch with lots of people aroun the globe doing amazing stuff with IOTA from their different fields.
Acerca de esta publicación
Como todos sabemos, los fundadores de IOTA suelen estar en el canal de Slack, hablando con la gente de par a par. Allí se dicen muchas cosas importantes, en un ámbito descontracturado que, desafortunadamente, tienden a...
Les tenemos que contar a nuestros lectores que no es la primera vez que Antonio muy amablemente concede una entrevista a IOTA Hispano. A finales de 2018 también le realicé una entrevista, pero en ese momento aún no formaba...
Hace algunas semanas, cuando estaba buscando un método de pago para los clientes que usaban Woocomerce, me encontré con este proyecto. Los permisos de Payiota integran Iota con E-commerce.
Le escribí a Lazslo en Reddit para pedirle la entrevista y...
Unos meses atrás, navegando en internet en busca de noticias sobre IOTA, me encontré con un video titulado 100 Billions Reasons Why ... que me hizo ver mas allá de las limitaciones actuales de Blockchain y que también me...
Some weeks ago we were at Blockcrypto, San Pablo and had the opportunity to meet Olivia Saa, part of the IOTA research team working with Serguei Popov. On that Congress, she gave a very nice talk about scalability, analizing the ways in which the Tangle overcomes Blockchain's limitations.
El ingeniero Umair Sarfraz es un miembro muy valioso de la Fundación IOTA, con una amplia experiencia en desarrollo de software. Fue parte del selecto equipo detrás de nada menos que la flamante nueva wallet de IOTA: Trinity. Los...
Ciertamente, una entrevista no es suficiente para conocer todo el trabajo que BiiLabs está haciendo, mientras pensaba en las preguntas para esta entrevista, aparecía nuevo material constantemente. Es correcto decir que BiiLabs es una startup centrada en Distributed Ledger...
Martyn is a very active developer of the IOTA Ecosystem and his EDF Grant and Donation Tracking System allowed him to win in the first round of EDF Grantees.