Original note: CoinTelegraph Tangle Patagonia is an initiative that emerged in Argentina and that disseminates knowledge about DLT technologies and Internet of Things, with a focus on IOTA. They have held several events and plan various activities for this year....
Surely one of the things that most interests us in these days of IOTA is to know about the advances regarding the development of its technology and the strategic alliances of the Foundation. As we are used to through...
Seguramente algunas de las cosas que más nos interesa en estos días de IOTA es conocer acerca de los avances respecto al desarrollo de su tecnología y las alianzas estratégicas de la Fundación. Como estamos acostumbrados a través del...
Leer en español After a 2018 full of activities and good news for the IOTA community in Argentina, we decided that February was the ideal time to carry out a first activity and thus open a crypto agenda and receive...
Read in english Luego de un 2018 plagado de actividades y buenas noticias para la comunidad IOTA en Argentina,   decidimos que Febrero era el ideal para realizar una primera actividad y de este modo abrir agenda cripto y recibir el...
En cualquier criptomoneda, las transacciones están vinculadas entre sí mediante hashes. Esta relación inalterable dota al conjunto de transacciones de una estructura matemática natural llamada orden parcial. En este post, discutimos los ordenes parciales y cómo son útiles para...
Most of the world’s Supply Chains still pour their data on paper, which we know can be easily altered or lost anywhere in the process, so the veracity of many of the data exchanged has no other validation than trust in the person who recorded the data. A new digital infrastructure is needed to change this is where a DLT like IOTA appears as a solution. With IOTA Tangle Technology we can rely on what is happening throughout the Supply Chain process.
En este blog, hablamos sobre el número de aprobadores directos que puede recibir un tip. En la Tangle, cada transacción aprueba exactamente dos tips. Si bien esto implica que el número medio de aprobaciones directos es igual a dos,...
2019 came to our door and each year that passes it becomes more evident that we need to achieve a change of habits regarding to our economy, our way of consuming and sharing resources if we want to preserve...
Continuing with this great serie of announcements with which IOTA keeps surprising us, the most amazing was Troika. We are witnessing how the IOTA Foundation is working to perfect this protocol, that if everything goes well, we will see implemented in every device connected to the Internet of Things in just a couple of years.


Instalando un Nodo Shimmer – Guía paso a paso en Español

Agradecimiento Antes de sumergirnos en este post tutorial debemos dar todo el crédito de la guía a C3PO, miembro de la comunidad IOTA y de...

