Uno de los objetivos de IOTA es permitir una mayor integridad de los datos dentro de la industria de la salud. Al transmitir y almacenar de manera segura los registros médicos individuales en el libro mayor distribuido de IOTA,...
Acerca de esta publicación Como todos sabemos, los fundadores de IOTA suelen estar en el canal de Slack, hablando con la gente de par a par. Allí se dicen muchas cosas importantes, en un ámbito descontracturado que, desafortunadamente, tienden a...
Lo que intentan lograr Nino Ulrich e Iampass puede parecer futurista mientras hablamos, pero podría terminar siendo la solución para muchos casos en los que hoy necesitamos diferentes métodos para demostrar quiénes somos. Piénselo un momento: tiene su tarjeta...
Since I started following IOTA I became a big Sunday Banter fan. The way in which Steffen Vogt, more known as Limo, covered the weekly news around the project, saved me lot's of time. But that was not all: his way of understanding the weight/potential each piece of information had (or not) helped me a lot to elavorate my vision of the ecosystem status.
Read spanish version A few weeks ago, Terry Shane, Founder of the Toronto bIOTAsphere (and better known to some as IOTerry), together with Brian Wong, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the bIOTAsphere, revealed a Proof of Concept using IOTA that...
Engineer Umair Sarfraz is a valued member of the IOTA Foundation, with extensive experience in software development. He is part of the selected team working behind the brand new IOTA wallet: Trinity. Let's get to know a little more...
IOTAlias aims to solve one of the problems that IOTA has as a result of its quantum resitant condition and the use of Winternitz one time signature scheme: the non-reusable addresses. If you have been around for a while using the GUI Wallet, you probably had issues at some point and got a warning saying that you were trying to reuse keys.
Last week I had the chance to have an extensive talk with him, we went through various topics during the communication and I must say that on that occasion he made me see things about these new technologies and how to present them to others from another perspective.
Mathieu Viossat is the creator of, one of the first and more popular Tangle explorers in the web. Let's get to know what is on this guy's mind and how exactly does an explorer works. Geronimo Patat Writer & Editor, IOTA Hispano Leer...


Instalando un Nodo Shimmer – Guía paso a paso en Español

Agradecimiento Antes de sumergirnos en este post tutorial debemos dar todo el crédito de la guía a C3PO, miembro de la comunidad IOTA y de...

