We all know that IOTA is much more than a token, it is the token that pretends to be the protocol for the Internet of Things, based on that, we can say that IOTA is much more than the value of the currency, if not that its architecture and features of this Open Source technology allows the community of developers and entrepreneurs to develope PoCs that can be used to improve some problems that we are facing in our daly lives.
Desde las mejoras en el protocolo IOTA y todas las posibilidades de casos de uso que esto ha abierto, estamos siendo testigos de un increíble aumento en el número de proyectos de desarrollo relacionados con IOTA.
En esta serie de...
Desde las mejoras en el protocolo IOTA y todas las posibilidades de uso que esto ha abierto, estamos siendo testigos de un increíble aumento en el número de proyectos de desarrollo relacionados con IOTA.
Esta serie de Entrevistas WAGMI*, nacen...
Since the improvements in the IOTA protocol and all the possibilities of use that this has opened up, we are witnessing an incredible increase in the number of development projects related to IOTA.
We thought it was a good idea...
I met Tobias in late 2017 at one of the first meetups in Munich. Back then we didn't fill a bar table, but we still had a great time talking about IOTAs vision and possible future while drinking (a lobeer).
Those of us who closely follow IOTA and the various use cases that have been developed taking advantage of the new technology behind this DLT, know that one of the fields in which IOTA could help develop great solutions is eHealth.
El empresario italiano Dominik Schiener, cofundador de la Fundación IOTA, fue ponente en Autonomy, una conferencia de movilidad urbana del 19 al 20 de octubre en París. Recientemente habló con The Innovator sobre cómo la fundación tiene como objetivo ayudar a las grandes corporaciones a utilizar la tecnología blockchain para crear nuevos modelos de negocios y nuevas fuentes de ingresos.
Watching the streaming of the Holland IOTA Meetup #4, I came across several PoCs that undoubtedly deserve attention and one of them is the one that deals with Digital Identity.
Digital Identities can be combined in data sets or attributes...
Original note: CoinTelegraph
Tangle Patagonia is an initiative that emerged in Argentina and that disseminates knowledge about DLT technologies and Internet of Things, with a focus on IOTA. They have held several events and plan various activities for this year....
Los que seguimos de cerca a IOTA y los variados casos de uso que se han estado desarrollando aprovechando las ventajas de la novedosa tecnología detrás de esta DLT, sabemos que uno de los campos en los que IOTA...